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To provide children with school supplies and support local school systems in Latin America.

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Our Mission

Charity For Education

Join us in collaborating with local school systems to provide educational programs to over 30 million children lacking basic education in Latin America.

Learning Materials and Transportation

With your help, we can provide school supplies and school transportation to 500 children per month.

Empowerment Public Speaking Programs

Every year we are extending our educational programs to adults and sharing knowledge, inspiration and motivation through public speaking events.

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19 junio

Tiempos de Bondad Foundation fortalecerá la educación de los niños en Latinoamérica

La fundación tiene como objetivo proporcionar programas educativos, útiles escolares, enseñanza en línea y transporte escolar a niños y adolescentes desde el jardín de infantes hasta el último año de estudios secundarios Suiza,Junio 2020 – Con la firme convicción de que la educación es la clave para el desarrollo sostenible de los países, Tiempos de […]

12 mayo

Over 191 Million Latin Americans Are Living in Poverty in 2019

The Eclac executive secretary called to forge «social compacts for equality» as the first step towards the construction of Welfare States in the region.  On the occasion of the release of its «2019 Social Panorama of Latin America» report, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (Eclac) called to build «social compacts for equality» so as to improve […]